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Analyzing the Important Trends in SEO for 2016

Professional-SEO-ServicesThe time has long passed for businesses to be able to afford overlooking the benefits offered by search engine optimization. As more and more trade in the experience of seeking out products and services in actual brick-and-mortar locations for the convenience of conducting their business online, it’s no longer enough to simply have a presence on the Web; you need to be visible. Yet the manner in which you attain that exposure is changing right along with the technology that supports it. Thus, effective SEO practices are forced to evolve from year-to-year.

What the Coming Year May Bring

As 2016 approaches, now is the time to look back upon the last year at the lessons learned from consumer searches and formulate new strategies to anticipate how to stay at the top of search engine rankings. With that in mind, here are some trends SEO industry insiders see continuing to grow in the coming year:

•An increased need for mobile optimization: Smartphone technology has literally changed the game when it comes to SEO. 2015 marked the first year that mobile and desktop traffic volumes showed similar numbers. As more consumers take advantage of mobile connectivity, the need to optimize your online content to the mobile environment has never been greater.

•More searches being initiated by digital assistants: Services such as Siri, GOOGLE Now, and Cortana are being relied more than ever to conduct web searches. Searches initiated by dialogue have a much more conversational tone than those that typed in manually. Thus, you may want to start customizing your keywords and phrases accordingly.

•Greater geographic accuracy: Advances in location-based search technology now allow users unprecedented accuracy in their local queries. Rather than grouping search results based upon city, search engines are returning them in order of proximity. There, incorporating your street address into your SEO now becomes much more important.

Actually implementing an efficient SEO strategy on your own can be laborious task. That can often make finding the time to keep up with current industry trends virtually impossible. Don’t worry; that’s what we Exatech are here for. Not only do we bring the experience needed to develop SEO procedures and practices that are custom-tailored to your business, but we also make it our job to stay out in front of the latest changes in online marketing and web search technologies. Together, we’ll ensure your search results remain among the leaders in the pack.
